The Electric Motor Vehicle Company in Southland specialise in providing electric and hybrid mobility as the future for our transport system.

     “ We are pleased to advise that we have expanded this into the field of bicycles. Traditionally the motive power for bikes was via the rider pedalling. Now we are able to offer the pedalling effort in conjunction with a geared electric motor “ says Mr Alex de Boer,  Managing Director.

      Cycling was usually seen as a way to exercise for moderately fit people. With the introduction of electric powered cycles offering assistance to the effort of pedalling the field of users has been dramatically extended. “ We now get people coming in aged 80 plus able to consider riding the Rail Trail and other holiday destinations in the outdoors. There are up to 4 levels of power assistance so even steep hills can be easily managed, “ notes Mr Bob Turner, Sales Manager.

    “ In conjunction with we now stock the KTM ( Austrian ), Gepida ( Hungarian), and Magnum (USA), and Black ( NZ designed) brands. These offer the full range of options from serious mountain bikers to road cycle commuting in various size options “ says Alex.


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