

At The Electric Motor Vehicle Company Ltd we are working hard to enable our customers to access this supply. Everything around us is operated by electrical currents. This supply works with circuits involving digital devices.

In a digital device the current flows through semiconductors that are either on or off ie the current either flows or it doesn’t flow. There is no other option. Billions of semiconductors are wired together on a chip to form a circuit and it is the various ways that current can flow through the chips connected together that determines the operation of the device it is a part of.

Artificial Intelligence AI, is the latest development where given an instruction the device (say a computer) can access huge databases of information , usually through the web and connect together the relevant information to find an answer to the question. Our brain can operate the same way, but it could take years of research to find the same answers. Obviously once humanity goes down this road it becomes more addicted to the need for an electrical supply that never switches off or runs out. If NZ wants to develop successfully and attract modern businesses to start up it must be the best at supplying cost effective and reliable electricity. This must also be supplied in a non-polluting “Green Way”.

Two sources of electrical energy that are available in a non-exhaustible form are wind and solar energy. It must be remembered these are variable in intensity, and we may need the energy when these are not available. They can never be relied on for “base load “ energy.

Therefore, we need to be able to store the energy generated and make it available at all times in all conditions.

This is where The Electric Motor Vehicle Company comes in.

“ We have always relied on China to provide us with battery storage technology and this has proved to be very problematic. They are very protective of their technology and what they will share to analyse faults and affect repairs . It is all about getting a sale at an attractive price that then becomes a big cost to us” says Alex de Boer. Managing Director.

“ Therefore, we decided we needed to bring this capability “ in house”. We have teamed up with experts in battery management systems and a quality conscious supplier of cells to make our own modular big batteries capable of operating electric vehicles. These go into our own off-road vehicles and many other uses including the storage of wind and solar energy for our clients.

We can analyse faults and change parameters remotely. The batteries are easy to remove and repair if needed. We may even operate a battery swap facility and leasing of the battery. We can do this as we have confidence in the battery and have all the components at hand. “

“ After all the battery is the motor of the vehicle and needs to be reliable and able to be replaced quickly to get our clients moving “ summarizes Alex de Boer (Owner).